Embassy of Slovakia in Moscow refuting information related to congratulations sent to Nagorno Karabakh on 20th anniversary of "independence"

The Embassy of Slovakia in Moscow has issued on September 5 a refutation in connection with the information published in the Russian, Azerbaijan and Armenian media on September 1, 2011, concerning congratulation sent to Nagorno Karabakh on the 20th anniversary of "independence" on behalf of citizens of Slovakia Jan Carnogursky and Frantisek Miklosko.
In the refutation of the Embassy it is stated that the congratulation is their private initiative, their positions named in the information published by mass-media - "former prime minister and first speaker of Slovak National Council" don't present facts.
The refutation says: "Jan Carnogursky and Frantishek Mikloshko are former Slovak deputies and politicians who any more do not participate in active political life of Slovakia and do not hold any posts in the present Slovak government. The official position of Slovak Republic concerning Nagorno Karabakh remains invariable and starts with a principle of observance of territorial integrity of Azerbaijan according to international laws and relevant resolutions of the United Nations".



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