Summit of CIS Heads of State wraps up in Dushanbe

A Summit of Council of Commonwealth of Independent States Heads of State has wrapped up in the capital of Tajikistan, Dushanbe.
The summit decided to hold its next meeting in the capital of Turkmenistan, Ashgabat in November, 2012. The action plan in connection with the 20th anniversary of Teleradiocompany MIR was also adopted.
The leaders adopted a statement summing up the results of the twenty-year activity of the Commonwealth.
Development of the cooperation in the humanitarian sphere and issues related to security were also discussed during the summit.
The meeting saw debates on an agreement on perpetuating the courage and heroism of peoples of CIS member countries in the Great Patriotic War, 1941-1945, draft program of CIS Member States on fight against illegal migration for 2012-2014, agreement on actions of air defense guards of CIS Forces and other documents.



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