Dushanbe hosts CIS foreign ministers council`s jubilee meeting

As earlier reported, the jubilee meeting of the CIS foreign ministers council dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the Commonwealth was held in the capital of Tajikistan, Dushanbe.
Azerbaijani Deputy Foreign Minister Khalaf Khalafov attends the Council's meeting.
Addressing the meeting, foreign minister of Tajikistan Hamrokhon Zarifi reported on the activities implemented during his country`s presidency at CIS, including the actions, dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the Commonwealth, the Conception of further development of CIS and strategy for economic development of the member countries in the period up to 2020. IN the focus also were strengthening of good neighborhood relations in the frame of the Commonwealth, expansion of economic cooperation, raise importance of the CIS as a regional organization, development of contacts in the humanitarian and other spheres.
Sergey Lebedev, Chairman of the CIS Executive Committee dwelled on the question of raising authority of CIS, informing on the work to be done in this direction.
Participants of meeting signed documents concerning activation of the Organization, widening links in the economic field and a number of significant issues, also adopting a statement of the foreign ministers.
"In the meeting of Council, discussed were issues of deepening economic ties, cooperation of law-enforcement bodies, interaction in the field of defense, ferry service, in the humanitarian sphere, etc. signed a number of documents, meeting interests of Azerbaijan", Khalaf Khalafov told AzerTAc correspondent.



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