"Armenia must leave Azerbaijan`s occupied territories"

"I condemn the occupation of the Azerbaijani lands by Armenia. This fact contradicts European values and norms and principles of international law. Armenia must leave the occupied territories of Azerbaijan," said Chairman of the PACE Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights, Christos Pourgourides.
He met with Speaker of the Milli Majlis of Azerbaijan, Ogtay Asadov.
Pourgourides said he visited Azerbaijan five years ago, adding over the past years the country had developed rapidly. He also praised what had been done in Azerbaijan to strengthen the protection of human rights and freedoms.
Asadov, in turn, praised the cooperation between Azerbaijan and the Council of Europe. He said important steps had been taken in Azerbaijan to bring laws into line with European standards since the country joined the CoE. Asadov noted the Council of Europe had important role in development of democratic institutions in Azerbaijan.
The Speaker also expressed regret over "PACE`s double-standard approach towards Azerbaijan", expressing hope the Assembly will put an end to this policy.



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