Permanent representatives of several countries to UN visit Azerbaijani parliament

Permanent representatives of 13 countries to the United Nations met with members of Milli Majlis committee on international and interparliamentary relations.
Chairman of the committee Samad Seyidov updated the guests on history of Azerbaijan independence, Milli Majlis activity and international relations. He said Azerbaijan closely cooperates with all international organizations, including the UN. Mr. Seyidov said as a full member of the Council of Europe, Azerbaijan actively participates in all programs of the European Union. He said such visits will play an important role in development of all-round relations.
The members of the committee briefed on socio-economic development and problems of the country. They said Armenia occupied 20% of Azerbaijani lands and more than one million people became refugees and IDPs. Up to now, four resolutions of the UN Security Council have not been fulfilled.
The permanent representative of Benin Mr. Jean-Fransis Regis thanked the government of Azerbaijan for this visit. The diplomat said such visits will positively influence on development of bilateral relations.
A representative of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Mr. Kamillo Gonsalves said 14 states of the Caribbean region will support a stand of Azerbaijan during the voting process in the UN.
The other members also hailed Azerbaijan`s participation in the processes taking place in the region and around the world.



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