Embassy of France issues statement on visit by French MPs to Nagorno-Karabakh

On August 23rd the Embassy of France to Azerbaijan issued a statement regarding the visit by French parliamentarians to Nagorno-Karabakh.
"Parliamentarians have been duly advised of our position with respect to Nagorno-Karabakh. Consequently, this visit does not in any way reflect or change France`s policy with respect to this conflict.
France, like all countries in the international community, including Armenia itself, does not recognize this territory`s independence.
This territory`s international legal status can only be determined within the framework of a peaceful and equitable solution agreed upon by all parties concerned. France co-chairs the OSCE Minsk Group, together with the United States and Russia, and as such was tasked with helping to find a compromise based on the Helsinki Final Act and the proposals put forward by the French, American and Russian presidents on numerous occasions, notably during the G8 Summits in L`Aquila in 2009 and Muskoka in 2010", the statement said.



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