Azerbaijani PM meets permanent representatives of several countries to UN

On August 24th Azerbaijani Prime Minister Arthur Rasizade met permanent representatives of Cambodia, Benin, Equatorial Guinea, Mauritius, Namibia, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Sri-Lanka, Jamaica and Zimbabwe to the UN.
Mr. Rasizade stressed the significance of the permanent representatives` visit to Azerbaijan.
Prime Minister expressed his confidence the visit would give the opportunity to the diplomats to gather the detailed information about Azerbaijan and adhere the fair position during the sessions of the United Nations.
On Azerbaijan`s 20-year independence, Arthur Rasizade said over the past 7-8 years, the country has achieved the high economic growth. He underlined the GDP in the country was increased threefold and the state budget by ten-fold as well as large-scale infrastructure projects were implemented.
Mr. Rasizade informed about history of Armenia-Azerbaijan Nagorno Karabakh conflict. He said Armenia occupied 20% of Azerbaijani lands and over 1 million people became refugees and IDPs. Prime Minister noted the numerous organizations, including the UN convicted Armenia`s aggressive policy, but four resolutions adopted by this organization`s Security Council have not been yet fulfilled. Rasizade said talks carried out by the OSCE Minsk group on the conflict didn`t yield any results.
The diplomats praised Azerbaijan`s economic development. They took an interest in Nagorno Karabakh conflict. The ambassadors said their countries were interested in developing relations with Azerbaijan.



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