Visit to Azerbaijan by permanent representatives of several countries to UN "to play important role in developing bilateral relations"

"A visit to Azerbaijan by permanent representatives of several countries to the United Nations will play an important role in developing the bilateral relations with these countries," Azerbajan`s permanent representative to the UN said.
"Azerbaijan does not have embassies in some of the UN member states, and at the same time, some of them do not have their embassies in Baku. Taking this into account, the government of Azerbaijan decided to invite permanent representatives of these countries to the United Nations to Azerbaijan," Agshin Mehdiyev told reporters.
"The major aim of this visit is to raise the ambassadors` awareness of Azerbaijan`s political, economic, cultural and social life."
"And we hope that upon their return the permanent representatives will have an impact on discussions of Azerbaijan-related problems. From this point of view such visits will be organized in future as well."
On the Armenia-Azerbaijan Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, Mehdiyev said the issue is always on the agenda of the United Nations.
"Nagorno-Karabakh conflict is always on the agenda of the UN and the Permanent Mission of Azerbaijan reacts to every step taken by the Armenian side on the issue."
"A new draft resolution on the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict is ready, and it is expected to be submitted for discussion," he added.



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