Azeri Speaker meets EU Special envoy

On July 1st Speaker of the Azerbaijani Parliament Ogtay Asadov met the European Union's Special Representative for the South Caucasus Peter Semneby.
The EU envoy said an agreement to be signed between Azerbaijan and the European Union would open a new stage in development of bilateral relations, and contribute to expanding the cooperation.
The speaker said visits by Semneby to Azerbaijan contribute to strengthening the relationship.
Asadov said integrating into Europe was one of the basic priorities of Azerbaijan's foreign policy.
He stated that an agreement between Azerbaijani and EU signed 11 years ago had had created an opportunity for "effective" cooperation.
Asadov also hailed Azerbaijan's cooperation with the EU under the "Eastern Partnership" program.
He welcomed the organization's supporting the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Azerbaijan and its efforts towards "a fair" resolution of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.
Semneby described Azerbaijan as a "good" partner for the EU. He said the signing of a new agreement would bring Azerbaijan and the organization closer to each other and play "a key" role in the country's European integration.
The two also discussed prospects for bilateral ties, cooperation in law-making process, as well as how to bring Azerbaijan's laws into the line with European standards.







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