Azerbaijan presents note to Iran (11.08.2011)

Iranian ambassador to Azerbaijan Mammadbagir Bahrami was invited yesterday to the Foreign Ministry of Azerbaijan over Fars news agency`s quoting Chief of Staff of Iran`s Armed Forces Sayyid Hassan Firouzabadi as making misplaced statements about leadership and people of Azerbaijan.
Deputy Foreign Minister Nadir Huseynov handed over a note of protest to the Iranian diplomat.
The Ministry`s note strongly protested against irresponsible slander of the Iranian official and stressed the Iranian media`s reports directed against the people and state of Azerbaijan contravene national interests and security, and distortion of domestic and foreign policy of Azerbaijan runs counter to friendship, mutual understanding and commitments between the two countries.
The Foreign Ministry of Azerbaijan demanded that the Islamic Republic of Iran undertake respective measures within short time and make things clear on the matter to prevent such biased statements and repeat of such steps against Azerbaijan.



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