Murder of Azerbaijani girl by Armenian terrorists brought up at UN

Killing of the 13-year-old Aygun Shahmaliyeva as a resutl of the Armenian provocation was raised at the United Nations.
A copy of the letter of the Azerbaijan`s mission to the UN sent to the organization`s secretariat was distributed to UN members.
"On 14 July 2011, as a result of the blast of an explosive device built in a toy, a 13-year-old Azerbaijani girl, Aygun Shahmaliyeva, was killed and her 32-year-old mother, Elnara Shahmaliyeva, was seriously wounded. This terrible accident took place in the Alibayli village of the Tovuz district of Azerbaijan, bordering with the Republic of Armenia.
The toy stuffed with an explosive device was found by the victim in the Tovuz River, springing from the territory of Armenia and flowing through the village of Alibayli. According to the conclusions of the preliminary investigation, the booby trap toy was made in Armenia, was dropped to the river intentionally, and its target were children of the neighbouring Azerbaijani settlements," the letter reads.
The letter underlines the overall assessment of the causes and tragic consequences of the war unleashed by Armenia against Azerbaijan makes it clear that the recent attacks on Azerbaijani civilians, including the killing of children, were not isolated or sporadic acts, but were the illustrative evidence of Armenia's widespread and systematic policy and practice of atrocities.
"The Republic of Azerbaijan strongly condemns the provocative actions of the Armenian side, which can in no way contribute to the establishment of confidence between the parties and to the resolution of their long-lasting conflict. By the intentional killing of Azerbaijani civilians, the Republic of Armenia has demonstrated once again its unwillingness to obey the generally accepted moral and ethical principles and to comply with the Charter of the United Nations and international law," the letter reads.



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