Milli Majlis Speaker meets British MPs

On July 26th Speaker of Azerbaijan Parliament, Milli Majlis Ogtay Asadov met a British parliamentary delegation led by a member of the House of Commons of England, deputy chairman of the Group of Azerbaijan`s Friends Christopher Pincher.
Speaking in the meeting, Asadov noted the importance of such visits in developing relations between the countries, particularly informing the English community on the Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.
The Azerbaijani Speaker said economic achievements of Azerbaijan have an impact on the whole region. At the same time, unsettlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict impedes all-round improvement of the region.
In his turn, Pincher noted the importance of expansion of interparliamentary ties. He said the UK is interested in deepening cooperation with this region of South Caucasus. "The aim of the visit is to boost political and economic ties between Azerbaijan and Great Britain and familiarize ourselves with the realities on Nagorno-Karabakh conflict," he added.



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