`U.S. State Secretary Hillary Clinton visit's results will be quite productive` Ali Hasanov

"United States State Secretary Hillary Clinton visit's results will be quite productive", head of Socio-Political Department of the Azeri President's Office Ali Hasanov told journalists. He said the visit of Hillary Clinton to Azerbaijan will encompass both Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict over Nagorno Karabakh and the United States-Azerbaijan relations.
"For a long time both Azerbaijan and the United States have been involved in peacemaking process and the international fight against terrorism. In this regard, Azerbaijan follows the common strategy with the United States. In particular, transportation of the South Caucasus` energy resources to the world markets and energy cooperation with the European Union are of interest of both Azerbaijan and the United States", Ali Hasanov said.
"Also Azerbaijan is in close cooperation with the United States in the field of democracy, human rights, civil society building. Leading non-governmental organizations and humanitarian institutions of the United States have been functioning in Azerbaijan for a long time", Ali Hasanov added.



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