Milli Majlis Speaker meets EPP members in PACE

Speaker of Azerbaijan Parliament, Milli Majlis Ogtay Asadov met members of the European People`s Party`s group (EPP) at the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE).
Asadov said the EPP representatives` visit to Azerbaijan serve deepening cooperation between Milli Majlis and PACE. According to him, Azerbaijan attaches special importance to development of cooperation with European structures, including the Council of Europe.
Asadov noted it had been more than ten years since Azerbaijan became a member of the Council of Europe, and over the past years the organisation played an important role in democratic development in the country.
Asadov also praised relations between ruling New Azerbaijan Party (YAP) and EPP. He added "we want YAP to obtain an observer status in the EPP".
Asadov said Azerbaijan was one of the fastest developing countries in the world for economic and social growth. "Despite the global financial crisis, Azerbaijan`s economy grew by 9, 3 percent in 2009.
The Milli Majlis Speaker also touched upon the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, describing it as a threat to security of Europe. He said Armenia does not honor documents of UN Security Council, EU and CoE on the problem.
Asadov said Armenia`s refusing to attend a meeting of the PACE sub-committee on the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict was a vivid evidence of its disrespect for the Council of Europe.
For his part, Luca Volonte, EPP Chairman, PACE expressed confidence that YAP`s obtaining an observer status would contribute to development of international relations of EPP.
The EPP representatives inquired about issues on development of democracy, improvement of legislation in Azerbaijan, as well as religious tolerance. Asadov, in turn, answered their questions.
The Speaker pointed out Azerbaijan had fulfilled majority of commitments and obligations to the Council of Europe. He also spoke about efforts towards democratic development, as well as high-level religious tolerance in his country.



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