EU "to appoint" new special representative for South Caucasus

The European Union will appoint a new special representative for South Caucasus, said EU managing director for Eastern Neighborhood Miroslav Lajčak.
He said the main responsibility of the new EU representative would be to support resolution of conflicts in the region.
He stressed that the EU wanted to increase its role in conflict resolution process.
"EU will clarify its steps aimed at Karabakh conflict resolution after negotiates with OSCE Minsk group."
According to Lajčak, EU can bring the sides of Karabakh conflict closer to each other and can promote dialogue between societies. "However, everything depends on negotiations with OSCE Minsk group. In case of progress, EU will have more chances to be included in the process."
"The appointment will allow to implement EU's disposition, interests and policy in the region," added Lajčak.



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