Rome hosts conference on Nagorno-Karabakh conflict

The International Relations Institute (IRI) of Italy has arranged a conference "The Future of Mediation on Nagorno-Karabakh" in historical Rondini Palace of Rome.
According to Azerbaijan`s Embassy to Italy, director of the IRI, Ettore Greco, opened the conference.
Key speakers in the event included deputy director of the IRI, Nathalie Tocci, executive dean of Azerbaijan Diplomatic Academy, Fariz Ismayilzade, and executive director of the London Information Network on Conflicts and Statebuilding, Dennis Sammut.
The conference was moderated by professor of Milan Catholic University, Valeria Piacentini.
Azerbaijan`s ambassador in Rome, Vagif Sadigov, drew the participants` attention to Azerbaijan`s position on the conflict.
The conference brought together representatives of academic, state and business circles, mass media of Italy and diplomatic corps in Rome.
The conference is the first one in the chain of events the International Relations Institute plans to organize on Azerbaijan. This year`s agenda of the Institute includes a number of conferences on energy security, economic issues, civil society and democratization in Azerbaijan.



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