Nagorno Karabakh conflict discussed in OSCE PA session

The Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorno Karabakh conflict was discussed at the meeting of the General Committee on Political Affairs and Security as part of the 20th annual session of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly on 6-10 July in Belgrade, Serbia.
The session participants discussed a report titled "Strengthening the OSCE`s Effectiveness and Efficiency - A new start after the Astana Summit" by Croatian parliamentarian Tonino Picula.
Commenting on the report, head of the Azerbaijani delegation, deputy chairman of the Milli Majlis Bahar Muradova expressed her consent with the facts reflected in the document, noting the importance of fulfilling the decisions approved.
Muradova drew the parliamentarians` attention to the "Deplores the recent increase in tension around Nagorno Karabakh, and urges that increased political efforts be made within the OSCE to settle the unresolved conflicts in Nagorno Karabakh, as well as in Moldova and Georgia" thesis in the report. She stressed that mentioning Nagorno Karabakh conflict together with names of other two countries can cause misinterpretation. Thus, she suggested using the "Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorno Karabakh conflict" or "conflict in Azerbaijan`s Nagorno-Karabakh region and surrounding areas" terms.
Speaking in the session, the Azerbaijani MP Azay Guliyev called on the OSCE to not only mentioning the problem in the documents but also indicating the ways of its solution. Croatian reporter Picula highlighted the importance of using international language in such documents taking into consideration the sensitive stage of the conflict. He pointed out that Nagorno Karabakh can in no way be described as an independent side in the resolution and introduced as a side having the same status as sovereign countries. He pointed out Nagorno-Karabakh is indicated as a region and was separated from sovereign states. According to him, there are not points damaging interests of Azerbaijan.
Following discussions, the session approved the draft resolution reflecting organization`s serious concern on the delay in resolution of the frozen conflicts.



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