Vice-Speaker of Azerbaijan`s parliament meets members of Romanian ruling party

First vice speaker of the Azerbaijani parliament Ziyafat Asgarov met with members of Romania`s ruling Democratic Liberal Party.
Asgarov stressed the existence of close relations between the two countries, saying they considerably strengthened after Azerbaijan regained its independence.
On Azerbaijan`s European integration, the Azerbaijani official stressed the importance of using Romania`s experience.
The First Vice-Speaker of the Azerbaijani parliament said his country is interested in all-round development of relations with Romania, noting the significance of deepening ties between the two countries` ruling parties.
Asgarov highlighted Azerbaijan`s economic development, oil strategy as well as Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. He thanked the government of Romania for supporting Azerbaijan`s position and territorial integrity.
Mayor of Bucharest`s Sector 2 and vice-president of Romanian Municipalities Association Nekulay Ontsanu stressed the fact Romania is the second country to recognize Azerbaijan`s independence.
Ontsanu stressed that about 50 documents in various fields had been signed between Azerbaijan and Romania from 2004. He praised the two countries` relations.
The Romanian official noted his country supports Azerbaijan`s territorial integrity and wants the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict to be solved on the basis of international legal norms.
Ontsanu also stressed the necessity of developing the relations between two countries` ruling parties.



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