Azerbaijan, Belarus explore ways of expanding cooperation

On July 8th Azerbaijan`s Prime Miniser Artur Rasizade met with visiting Belarusian counterpart Mikhail Myasnikovich to discuss prospects of expanding the bilateral cooperation.
Rasizade hailed Belarus-Azerbaijan relations in various fields, including political, economic, cultural and humanitarian ones.
He stressed reciprocal visits of presidents Ilham Aliyev of Azerbaijan and Alexander Lukashenko of Belarus "play significant role in expanding the cooperation between our countries".
Touching upon Azerbaijan`s economic situation, Rasizade stressed "thanks to President Ilham Aliyev`s right policy Azerbaijan was less affected by crisis than other world countries".
He also briefed Myasnikovich on the development of non-oil and agricultural sectors in Azerbaijan.
The Azeri Prime Minister also stressed the importance of realizing joint projects for development of cooperation between the two countries.
Speaking on Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh, Rasizade noted more than one million of Azerbaijanis became refugees.
He underlined "thanks to Azerbaijani government`s projects all refugee camps were removed and new settlements were established for IDPs to improve their living conditions".
Myasnikovich, in turn, praised Azerbaijan`s development.
He lauded Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev`s attention to cooperation between the two countries.
Following the meeting, the Azerbaijan-Belarus documents have been signed.
The documents were signed by deputy minister of foreign affairs of Azerbaijan Khalaf Khalafov and first deputy minister of foreign affairs of Belarus Igor Petrishenko.







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