Nagorno-Karabakh conflict discussed in European Parliament

The situation in the settlement of Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorno-Karabakh conflict has been discussed in the European Parliament`s (EP) plenary session in Strasbourg.
After the European Union (EU) Foreign Affairs High Representative Catherine Ashton`s report on situation in Nagorno-Karabakh, the members of parliament held debates on the relevant issue.
Estonian MEP Kristiina Ojuland noted the importance of withdrawal of Armenian forces from occupied Azerbaijani territories in accordance with EP resolution in 2010.
Member of the Parliament for Austria Ulrike Lunacek also called on Armenia to withdraw its troops from the occupied territories.
Lithuanian MEP Inese Vaidere stressed that the EU was not active enough in solution of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. She said Azerbaijani refugees and IDPs should be able to return to their homes after the withdrawal of the Armenian forces from occupied territories. She also expressed her hope that Ashton`s visits to Azerbaijan and Armenia would contribute to the settlement of the conflict.
President of the EuroNest Assembly and MEP Kristian Vigenin expressed his concern on the growth of tension and noted the importance of EP`s role in the settlement of the conflict.



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