OSCE PA`s 20th Annual Session kicks off in Belgrade

The 20th Annual Session of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly has been started today in Belgrade, Serbia, under the general theme of "Strengthening the OSCE`s Effectiveness and Efficiency -- A new start after the Astana Summit."
Azerbaijan`s parliamentary delegation led by Vice-Speaker Bahar Muradova is participating in the session.
The annual session typically gathers about 250 parliamentarians to elect officers and vote on resolutions to inform the work of the OSCE and parliamentarians in participating States. The event will conclude with the adoption of the Belgrade Declaration, expressing the collective will of the OSCE`s parliamentary dimension.
Members will vote on more than 25 resolutions covering Mediterranean political transition, cyber security, combating transnational organized crime, human organ trafficking, food security, disaster planning, and nuclear energy among other issues.



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