Palestine`s embassy opens in Baku

Visiting President Mahmoud Abbas cut the ribbon to officially open Palestine`s embassy to Azerbaijan.
The Palestinian leader viewed the embassy and spoke to its staffers. The embassy will employ seven people.
Speaking to the inauguration ceremony, Azerbaijan`s deputy prime minister Elchin Afandiyev said "the opening of the embassy will contribute to developing the friendship and cooperation between the people of Palestine and Azerbaijan".
"The current state of relations between our countries opens up opportunities to further develop them. Azerbaijan and Palestine enjoy high-level political relations," added Afandiyev.
President Abbas thanked the Azerbaijani government for assisting his country in opening its embassy.
"This is another evidence to the development of the relations between our countries."
He praised the Azerbaijan-Palestine relations, saying the two countries` people were bound together by ties of history and friendship.
President Abbas in particular stressed the importance of expanding the bilateral cooperation in the socio-economic field.



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