Baku hosts Azerbaijan-US security dialogue

Baku hosted an Azerbaijan-US security dialogue.
Following the event Azerbaijani Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Araz Azimov and US Assistant Secretary of State for Political-Military Affairs Andrew Shapiro made press statements.
Azimov hailed the discussions, which he noted discussed concrete security issues.
The event discussed international and regional security, cooperation among Euro Atlantic, US and Azerbaijan, as well as fight against terrorism.
According to Azimov the next dialogue will be held in Washington in 2012.
He stressed "relations with the United States are strategic in nature", adding both countries will continue cooperation in security in the Caspian Sea, prevention of illegal turnover of drugs and fight against terrorism.
Shapiro underlined the US was committed to expanding the relations with Azerbaijan. He said there was a great potential for the cooperation between Azerbaijan and US in various fields.
Shapiro stressed US praised Azerbaijan`s participation in protection of infrastructure in the Caspian Sea, as well as the country`s peacekeeping operations in Afghanistan.



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