"Azerbaijan is ready to flexibility and compromises in frameworks of all the accepted principles of international law", Araz Azimov

As earlier reported, on May 26 in the framework of the G8 summit in Dovile, France, the presidents of USA, Russia and France have made joint statement in connection with settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. Answering a question of AzerTAc concerning this statement, the deputy foreign minister of Azerbaijan Araz Azimov has told:
-We have very attentively read the joint statement of the presidents of France, Russia and the USA in Dovile. This statement shows degree of the relation of the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairmen countries to this point in question. The statement calls presidents of Azerbaijan and Armenia to take the further steps on preparation of principles of the resolution of conflict and increase efforts in this direction.
Having noted that the position of Azerbaijan is known for all, the deputy minister has underlined that we base against principles of the Helsinki Final Act meaning unacceptability of application of force against territorial integrity of any state. Therefore, categorically also force application, occupation and capture of territories are unequivocally inadmissible. Just on these principles the state borders, recognized at the international level, should remain without changes if, of course, there is no other arrangement about it.
A. Azimov underlined that "Azerbaijan respects all principles of the Helsinki Final Act and understands that the right of self-determination of the people should be carried out according to the principle of territorial integrity of the state. Azerbaijan, which, proceeding from these principles, expects that as a result of the resolution of conflict, the occupational forces will liberate the occupied territories, and the people will return back to their homelands, life will enter into a normal channel, Azerbaijanis and Armenians will live together in Nagorno Karabakh in the conditions of peace, and in the frame of territorial integrity of Azerbaijan the self-governance status will be defined for both communities of Nagorno Karabakh. We don`t want more, but at the same time we will disagree on smaller".
Having noted that Azerbaijan is ready to flexibility and compromises in the frameworks of all the accepted principles of international law, A. Azimov has underlined that territorial integrity of Azerbaijan isn`t a subject of discussions. The self-determination status can be discussed in the subsequent stage with participation of both communities of Nagorno Karabakh - Azerbaijani and Armenian, and we hope that discussion will take place. We hope that such way we can come to the agreement with Armenia.
The deputy minister has noted that Azerbaijan uses all accessible possibilities for the peaceful solution of the conflict. We too agree with the conclusion of presidents of the co-chair countries that the present status quo occupied by the armed forces of Armenia of the territories is unacceptable, and should unite the efforts with efforts of co-chairmen for improvement of the present situation. Certainly, we expect that these three states supervising negotiating process will apply all forces that the Helsinki Final Act we noted above has been observed. If these efforts will bring success, we will be ready to divide this success with co-chairmen. In spite of the fact that all this takes much time, Azerbaijan keeps till now patience, interest and desire in these difficult negotiations. However, probably, the complexity of negotiations most of all comes not from objective factors and the reasons, but from subjective factors and difficulties in internal policy of Armenia. We never will admit that Armenia violated the right of the Azerbaijani people to live in the territory, including Nagorno Karabakh. At the same time we are ready to provide joint residing of our Armenian citizens with the Azerbaijani citizens in the Nagorno-Karabakh region.
"Unfortunately, we become witnesses of incorrect interpretation by the Armenian side of the principles of international law, abusing these principles for the sake of coordination of non-agreed questions and search of the bases in international law for the justification of occupation of the territories of Azerbaijan", Azimov emphasized. The deputy minister has told that we also see attempts of the Armenian side to delay liberation of the occupied lands, to keep some territories for the further political trade, and also to reject returning of the Azerbaijani community to Nagorno Karabakh. All it shows true intention of Armenia. On such bases it is impossible to achieve the compromise. We hope that the international public, in particular the OSCE and further won`t admit infringement of principles of the Helsinki Final Act and abusing them. We rely on support of the OSCE in prolonged process of the solution of this conflict.



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