Khojaly monument opened in Germany

"Khojaly" memorial opened in Steglitz-Zehlendorf borough in Berlin, Germany.
The initiators of the monument are Salhab Mammadov, Akif Asgarov, Ali Abdullayev and Ibrahim Ahrari.
The opening ceremony of the monument brought Mayor of Steglitz-Zehlendorf Norbert Kopp, Azeri deputy minister of Culture and Tourism Adalat Valiyev, representatives of Azerbaijani Diaspora, German community, scientists and cultural figures of both countries.
Adviser on education and culture of Steglitz-Zehlendorf borough, Azerbaijan ambassador to Germany Parviz Shahbazov and author of the memorial Ibrahim Ahrari made speeches at the event. The speakers underlined the necessity of the event for boosting cultural cooperation between Azerbaijan and Germany.
Author of the monument Ibrarhim Ahrari is the owner of Baku-Berlin Art Gallery.







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