Azerbaijan joins Non-Aligned Movement

Azerbaijan has become a member of the Non-Alligned Movement in accordance of the 16th Ministerial Meeting of the Non-Alligned Movement held in Bali, Indonesia on May 25.
Speaking to the conference, Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov thanked all member-countries including Egyptian Presidency and host country Indonesia for the support and assistance provided to the country to become a NAM member.
The Minister underlined Azerbaijan would effectively cooperate with NAM member-states and pledged the country would spare no efforts to enhance the role of the movement in the internationalr relations.
Mammadyarov added since joining to the United Nations Azerbaijan had consistently demonstrated its strong commitment to the principles and purposes of the Charter of UN and international law.
As a bridge between cultures, according to Azeri Minister, Azerbaijan felt responsible for the promotion of inter-religious and intercultural dialogue based on mutual respect and understanding.
Mammadyarov briefed the participants on Nagorno Karabakh conflict, noting the conflict impedes development of the region`s nations. He highlighted the importance of resolution of the conflict on the basis of norms and principles of international law as well as sovereignty and territorial integrity of Azerbaijan.



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