US, French, Russian Presidents make joint statement on Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict

Presidents of the United States, France and Russia made a joint statement on the Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorno-Karabakh conflict as a part of the G-8 summit in Deauville.
Barack Obama, Nicolas Sarkozy and Dmitry Medvedev called on Presidents of Armenia and Azerbaijan to demonstrate their political will by finalizing the Basic Principles during their upcoming summit in June. "We stand ready to witness the formal acceptance of these Principles, to assist in the drafting of the peace agreement, and then to support its implementation with our international partners after the sides will reach the agreement", the statement said.
Presidents of the United States, France and Russia expressed their confidence the time had arrived for all the sides to the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict to take a decisive step towards a peaceful settlement. They strongly urged the leaders of the sides to prepare their populations for peace, not war.
"As a result of efforts by the parties and the Co-Chair countries at all levels, significant progress has been made. The latest version of the Basic Principles, as discussed in Sochi on March 5, lays a just and balanced foundation for the drafting of a comprehensive peace settlement", the statement runs.



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