‘EU, Azerbaijan share same values on freedom, development and welfare'

The European Union and Azerbaijan share the same values on freedom, development and welfare, President of European Parliament Jerzy Buzek said Friday at a press conference in Azerbaijan`s parliament.
Buzek said the EU and Azerbaijan had fruitful cooperation in economy, trade and energy spheres. "The EU is interested in expansion of this cooperation even more."
According to Buzek, there is good basis for development of cooperation between European Parliament and Milli Majlis. He also underlined the role of the Euronest Parliamentary Assembly which is the parliamentary institution of the Eastern Partnership program.
Buzek stressed Azerbaijan was an important partner for EU.
Asadov, in turn, said integration into Europe was one of Azerbaijan`s foreign policy priorities. He noted mutually beneficial cooperation exits between Azerbaijan and EU.
The Speaker pointed out cooperation within Euronest PA contributes to development of relations between Azerbaijan and EU.



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