Czech President visits Azerbaijan`s Parliament

On May 17th President of the Czech Republic Vaclav Klaus visited the Azerbaijan`s Parliament (Milli Majlis), where he met with speaker Ogtay Asadov.
Prior to the meeting, the Czech President familiarized himself with an administrative building and meeting hall of the Parliament.
Mr. Klaus also viewed national leader Heydar Aliyev`s memorial hall in the Parliament and signed the honorary guests book.
Asadov stressed relations between Azerbaijan and Czechia were steady developing.
He said meetings between the two countries` presidents, reciprocal visits paved the way for expansion of relationship even more.
Asadov spoke of economic and trade relations between the two countries.
The Speaker also added Azerbaijan and Czechia have huge potential to boost trade turnover and develop economic cooperation.
It was stressed Azerbaijan made great achievements in implementation of energy projects in the region.
They noted Azerbaijan plays important role in energy security of Europe.
Asadov underlined the role of parliaments in development of ties between the countries.
The Speaker briefed the Czech President on dynamic development of Azerbaijan and the country`s European integration.
He also spoke of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.
The Czech President said his country was interested in expanding cooperation with Azerbaijan in all fields.
Vaclav Klaus expressed hope this visit would contribute to developing bilateral relations.
The President said Czechia attaches great importance to the Eastern Partnership.
He also said his country support Azerbaijan`s European integration.
Touching upon the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, Mr. Klaus noted "Czechia supports Azerbaijan`s territorial integrity".
He underlined the necessity of the soonest and fair resolution of the conflict.



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