Azerbaijani Mp makes public document on Nagorno-Karabakh subcommittee

The declaration on "Necessity to intensify the activity of the subcommittee on Nagorno-Karabakh" prepared by a member of the Azerbaijani delegation Rafael Huseynov, was circulated at the PACE on the first day of organization's summer session. The document was signed by 40 MPs from 20 countries.
The document made Armenians concerned.
On May 18, head of the Dashnaktutyun faction in the Armenian parliament Ovanesian stated that Armenian delegation to the PACE must prevent resumption of the subcommittee at any cost.
"The presence and activity of such a committee in the PACE is success in itself, because it always keeps on the agenda the Armenian occupation, Nagorno-Karabakh issue," said Rafael Huseynov.
However, according to him, Armenians realized it is useless to resist the resumption of the subcommittee as speaker of the Armenian parliament Abraamian asked PACE President Mevlut Cavusoglu at the Cyprus meeting of parliament speakers to pay attention to the activity of the subcommittee on Nagorno-Karabakh
"It is an evidence of the fact that Armenians gave up on resumption of the subcommittee," he said.



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