Azeri chief Electoral Officer meets ODIHR officials

Chairman of Azerbaijan's Central Election Commission (CEC) Mazahir Panahov met with a pre-election assessment mission of the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) led by Nicolas Kaczorowski, Head of ODIHR`s Election Department.
Panahov said CEC attaches "great" significance to cooperation with international organizations, in particular the OSCE, noting they would "work closely" during the 2010 parliamentary elections as well.
Members of the ODIHR mission inquired after the commission's preparatory work for the upcoming elections.
Panahov highlighted what the CEC had been doing to ensure the holding of fair and democratic elections. He said CEC had conducted the monitoring of activities of election committees. Panahov said the commission would launch a series of trainings for members of district electoral committees in July. He pointed out the CEC would continue "effective" cooperation with international organizations.



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