Speaker of Milli Majlis meets members of National Assembly of France

Speaker of the Azerbaijani parliament (Milli Majlis) Ogtay Asadov met with the members of National Assembly of France on May 10th.
The speaker of the Azerbaijani parliament highly praised the visit of Assembly`s members to Azerbaijan to participate in the events dedicated 88th birthday of national leader of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev.
Dwelling on relations between Azerbaijan and France, Asadov outlined his country`s keen interest to expand bilateral relations and emphasized the role of parliamentary ties between the countries.
The speaker of the Azerbaijani parliament outlined the importance of reciprocal visits, various events for expanding relations as well.
Ogtay Asadov also briefed the guests on Nagorno-Karabakh conflict and expressed gratitude for France`s support of Azerbaijan`s territorial integrity.
Member of the National Assembly of France Michel Voisin, in turn, emphasized the importance of development of relations between two countries in all areas.
The sides discussed the cooperation prospects as part of the international organizations as well.
Jean-Paul Dupré, member of Foreign Affairs Committee, Christian Vanneste, member of Acts Committee, and Jean Mansel, member of Finance Committee of the National Assembly of France also attended the meeting.



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