Azerbaijani, Armenian delegations to PACE meet in Strasbourg

On the second working day of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) delegations of Azerbaijan and Armenia have had a meeting on the initiative of PACE President Mevlut Cavusoglu.
In his interview to AzerTAg`s special correspondent, head of the Azerbaijani delegation Samad Seyidov said the meeting featured a comprehensive exchange of views on the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.
"Having a constructive stance, the Azerbaijani side reiterated its support to resolution of the conflict through negotiations under the OSCE Minsk Group. But the Armenian side has shown that they are not ready to this. However, the sides agreed to continue the meetings. It is of great importance for us, because holding such a meeting during the session means that this format exists."
"The Armenian side did much to prevent the holding of a meeting in this format, but they could not reach their aim. We will try to hold such meetings and invite the Armenian side to participate.
As you know, the parliamentary elections will be held in our country in November. Since MPs will be involved in election campaign, Azerbaijan's participation in PACE autumn session will be a little bit difficult," said Seyidov.



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