Special session of Azerbaijan Parliament ends

The special session of the Azerbaijan Parliament finalized. Speaker of the Milli Majlis of Azerbaijan Republic informed on the bills on agenda. Then, the parliamentarians considered the bill on appointment of judges. On the question reporting was the head of the legal policy and state building standing commission Ali Huseynov.
The elected judges were voted for, after which the new judges were invited to swear in.
Speaking at the swear-in ceremony, Chairman of the Constitutional Court Farhad Abdullayev expressed hope the judges would observe the laws and high principles of justice in their activity.
At the session, Ali Huseynov informed on the nominees for judges in Supreme Court of Azerbaijan Republic, Supreme Court of Nakhchivan AR and the judges for Appeal Courts. Then, the elected nominees were confirmed.
Chairman of the Supreme Court of Azerbaijan Republic Ramiz Rzayev took part at the session.
The parliamentarians considered the bills "On courts and judges" and "On the Court-Legal Council", on which Ali Huseynov made short report.
Parliamentarians also have considered the bills on notary, on traffic, on amendments in administrative offences law and other legislative acts.

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