YAP deputy chief meets OSCE ODIHR electoral chief

Deputy Chairman, Executive Secretary of the New Azerbaijan Party (YAP), MP Ali Ahmadov met head of the Election Department at the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) Nicolas Kaczorowski.
They exchanged views on upcoming parliamentary elections as well as supplements and amendments made to the country's Electoral Code.
Ahmadov noted the supplements and amendments to the Electoral Code were made "in order to develop the electoral practice, promotion of electoral experience in Azerbaijan and bringing it into line with world standards".
The YAP Deputy Chairman said: "The Azerbaijani government is interested in ensuring the transparency, democracy and justice during these elections too."
Kaczorowski praised the Azerbaijani government for "open and sincere" position on the issues concerning the electoral processes.
OSCE ODIHR expert Jonathan Stonestreet and Democratization Program Manager of the OSCE Office in Baku Jacqueline Carpenter were present at the meeting.



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