Embassy of Azerbaijan sends note of protest to Department of Foreign Affairs of Switzerland

Since April 29 the 25th International Book and Press Exhibition has opened in Geneva.
The exhibition will end on May 3.
On May 2, the exhibition in which Armenia participates as the guest of honor, will be visiting also by President Serzh Sargsyan, press service of Azerbaijan Foreign Ministry said.
According to the message, received from the embassy of Azerbaijan in the Swiss Confederation and the Princedom of Liechtenstein, during exhibition it became known that the stands of Armenia include materials deforming territorial integrity of Azerbaijan. In this connection, the Embassy of Azerbaijan has immediately informed on it to Federal Department of Foreign Affairs of Switzerland and organizers of the exhibition making a serious protest.
Ambassador Murad Najafbeyli has met heads of organizing committee of the exhibition Bernard Guiot and Adeline Bauks, expressing concern of the Azerbaijani side. The said materials displayed details not representing the reality, and it was required to withdraw them from the exposition.
At the same time, the Embassy has sent a note of protest to the Department of Foreign Affairs of Switzerland, addressing to the Swiss side with the request to take appropriate measures in this connection.



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