Azerbaijani Parliament`s Speaker meets Kazakh counterpart in Astana

As part of the second plenary session of Parliamentary Assembly of Turkic-Speaking Countries (TurkPA) in Astana, a delegation of Azerbaijani parliament (Milli Majlis) led by Speaker Ogtay Asadov met Chairman of the Majlis of the Parliament of Kazakhstan, Ural Mukhamedjanov.
Mukhamedjanov said reciprocal visits of presidents Nursultan Nazarbayev to Azerbaijan and Ilham Aliyev to Kazakhstan had given impetus to development of relationship between the two countries. He noted agreements achieved during meetings of Heads of Turkish-speaking countries had contributed to development of interparliamentary ties. Mukhamedjanov added important decisions, adopted at the meeting in Azerbaijan`s city of Nakhchivan, was a significant stage in strengthening relations.
He pointed out decisions on establishment of TurkPA and Turkish Academy in Astana were adopted during this meeting, as well.
For his part, Ogtay Asadov said discussions to be conducted and decisions to be adopted at a meeting of TurkPA in Astana would be very important for the Organization`s activity. He noted "the establishment of TurkPA was a successful step in order to unite our peoples` strength to meet challenges of the world." The Speaker underscored the importance of the first plenary session of the Assembly held in September 2009 in Baku, adding decisions adopted during this meeting had created solid legal basis for development of the Organization.
Asadov also expressed confidence in a short period of time TurkPA would be one of leading international organizations.



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