‘Withdrawal of Armenian troops from Azerbaijan`s occupied territories will provide stimulus for very serious positive processes'

Withdrawal of the Armenian troops from Azerbaijan`s occupied territories will provide a stimulus for very serious positive processes, Foreign Minister of Azerbaijan Elmar Mammadyarov said in his interview to "Moskovskie Novosti" newspaper and "Rossiya v qlobalnoy politike" magazine.
Mammadyarov highly appreciated Russia`s recent initiative in the negotiations process on settlement of the Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorno Karabakh conflict. Russia knows both sides` position well and tries to find common stance for progress of the process. The current state of the issue causes regression of development of the region and mutual relations.
The Minister noted he does not regard the conflict frozen. "We can not consider the Nagorno Karabakh conflict frozen if shootings and explosions occur on the troops contact line."
Mammadyarov pointed out all countries of the world recognize Nagorno Karabakh as Azerbaijan`s integral part.
He underlined withdrawal of the Armenian troops from the occupied territories of Azerbaijan would lead to opening of communications and also have positive impact on security issues.
Mammadyarov also pointed out international organizations demonstrate double standards towards Azerbaijan`s just position on the issue.
The Minister mentioned resolutions adopted by the UN Security Council on the conflict. Mammadyarov added these documents - legal basis for settlement of the conflict since 1993 - have not been implemented so far.{nl}



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