Azeri PM receives Jordan`s Minister of Industry and Trade

On April 12th Azerbaijan`s Prime Minister Artur Rasizade met the Jordanian delegation led by Industry and Trade Minister Hani al-Mulki.
Rasizade said Jordan was a friend of Azerbaijan.
The PM underlined the two countries have multifaceted relations.
Rasizade said there were great opportunities to expand these ties even more.
The Azeri PM underlined cooperation with Jordan has intensified in all fields, including economic one.
Rasizade added the second meeting of the Azerbaijan-Jordan joint intergovernmental commission in Baku was a vivid evidence of this.
Hani al-Mulki said it was his first visit to Azerbaijan and conveyed greetings of Jordan`s Prime Minister Samir Zaid al-Rifai to Artur Rasizade.
The Jordanian Minister said that President Ilham Aliyev had received him and gave him recommendations to expand relations between the two countries.
Touching upon the political developments in the Middle East, Hani al-Mulki stressed the situation in Jordan was stable.
During the meeting, they also discussed a number of other issues of mutual interest.



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