Azeri Premier meets member of Chinese Communist Party's Politburo Standing Committee

On June 16th Azerbaijan's Prime Minister Artur Rasizade met He Guoqiang, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Chinese Communist Party's Central Committee, Secretary of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection.
Rasizade described the visit as a "new stage in development of mutually beneficial relationship in all spheres between Azerbaijan and China".
He briefed He Guoqiang on the ongoing economic reforms in Azerbaijan, saying despite the global economic crisis the country's gross domestic product grew 9.3 percent. Rasizade added international investment programs had been implemented in the country to develop infrastructure. He also spoke of the ongoing energy reforms.
The Prime Minister also touched upon the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict and efforts of the Azerbaijani leadership towards settling it. He also thanked the Chinese leadership for backing Azerbaijan's territorial integrity.
He Guoqiang, in turn, praised what had been done in Azerbaijan to ensure political stability and economic development. He also hailed the fact that Azerbaijan had been strengthening its international position since it regained independence.
He said China and Azerbaijan had traditional historical friendship. "We have mutual respect in our political relationship."
On the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, he said the dispute must be settled peacefully and on the basis of Azerbaijan's territorial integrity.
Following the meeting, Azerbaijan's economic development minister Shahin Mustafayev and Chinese vice-minister for commerce Gao Hucheng signed an agreement on technical and economic cooperation between the two countries.
He Guoqiang and Azerbaijan's deputy prime minister Abid Sharifov were present in the signing ceremony.
According to the document, China will allocate 20 million Yuan grant to Azerbaijan.



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