Milli Majlis Speaker meets new Head of CoE Office in Baku

Speaker of Azerbaijan Milli Majlis Ogtay Asadov met newly-appointed head of the Council of Europe`s office in Baku, Konstantin Yerokostopulos on April 4th.
Asadov said ten years had passed since Azerbaijan`s joining the Council of Europe. He underlined significant measures had been taken over the past years to build democracy and legal state. Asadov noted Azerbaijan`s legislation had been brought into line with European standards. The country had always honored the commitments and obligations towards the Council of Europe. The Speaker noted seven resolutions on Azerbaijan had been adopted in the CoE`s Parliament. He also praised the fact that the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict was always in the focus of the Organization. Asadov expressed belief that the CoE would contribute to settling the problem on the basis of Azerbaijan`s territorial integrity.
Yerokostopulos, in turn, said during his tenure he would spare no efforts to contribute to developing relations between Azerbaijan and CoE. He underscored the Organization was ready to assist Azerbaijan in building democracy and legal state. The diplomat also pointed out PACE had close relationship with Azerbaijan, and intends to deepen it.





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