Azerbaijan parliament`s speaker meets ambassador of Norway

Speaker of Azerbaijan Milli Majlis Ogtay Asadov met ambassador of Norway Erling Shonsberg on Monday.
Asadov expressed confidence that during his tenure the ambassador would contribute to deepening relationship between Azerbaijan and Norway.
He said Azerbaijan was interested in development of cooperation with Norway. The Speaker underlined the importance of political dialogue being conducted during high-level reciprocal visits.
He added the documents signed between the two countries constitute legal basis of bilateral relationship.
Asadov said soldiers of Azerbaijan and Norway participate in the fight against international terrorism.
The Speaker also underscored the role of parliaments in expansion of bilateral relations.
He pointed out Azerbaijan was also keen on development of cooperation with Norway in energy sphere.
On the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, Asadov said the problem must be settled on the basis of Azerbaijan`s territorial integrity.
For his part, Shonsberg said Norway attaches great importance to development of relations with Azerbaijan. The diplomat vowed to spare no efforts to boosting bilateral ties.
He recalled that leading Norwegian companies had made investments in Azerbaijan`s economy. The ambassador pointed out there were opportunities to develop cooperation between the two countries in non-oil sector.
They also underlined the importance of reciprocal visits, exchange of experience.



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