‘Armenian side demonstrated its real face'

Official Baku has voiced its attitude to the statement of Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan to become the first passenger of the Yerevan-Khankendi flight.
Chief of foreign relations department of the Presidential Administration of Azerbaijan Novruz Mammadov told News.az that by such step the Armenian side and Serzh Sargsyan again demonstrated their ‘real' face and double game.
"It is regretful that international organizations and the countries, forming the world order and must be at the guard of international law, give no reaction to such a blatant conduct of the Armenian side. Nagorno-Karabakh is a native land of Azerbaijan, which has been under Armenian occupation for more than 20 years, there was a war, ethnic cleansings, violation of rights of millions of people and it all occurs before the eyes of the world community. Though negotiations involve three superpowers, USA, France and Russia, the conflict is still unsettled. It turns out that despite everything Armenia continues its occupational policy before the eyes of the world community.
Let's suggest that Azerbaijan opens an airport, for example, in Goris and urges Armenia to discuss issues of flights. How will the world community view this? Nagorno-Karabakh is an Azerbaijani land, while Armenia is building an airport there and, in addition, the president of that country threatens to conduct an illegal flight there without Azerbaijan's permission. Is it not the violation of all norms of international law, is it not the challenge to the world community by Armenia?
Azerbaijan has already expressed its attitude towards this lawlessness and it will never reconcile with such a state of affairs. Let Armenia and its leadership not to have vain hopes, sooner or later, Azerbaijan will liberate its lands from aggressor's troops, whatever it costs", he said.
"It is probably a provocation by Armenia. Some foreign diplomatic accredited in Baku also think so. But Azerbaijan is closely watching Armenia's actions. Armenia is already used to such provocative actions and it is a part of its policy. In turn, Azerbaijan will never accept such a state of affairs and the Armenian leadership must know this," Mammadov said.



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