Azerbaijan, Georgia: inter-parliamentary ties developing

On April 1st Speaker of Azerbaijan Parliament Ogtay Asadov met the newly appointed ambassador of Georgia to Azerbaijan Teymuraz Sharashenidze.
Asadov wished success to Georgia`s ambassador, expressing hope for his future efforts to boost bilateral relations between two countries. Azerbaijan and Georgia are connected with strategic cooperation, he underlined. According to him, reciprocal visits and meetings of the heads of state play important role in deepening of these ties.
The parliaments of course make their contribution to development of these links, the Speaker said. Parliamentarians of both countries effectively cooperate on the international organizations. From this point of view, reciprocal visits of parliament groups are important for exchange of experience, he specified.
"We carefully watch the developments taking place on the South Caucasus. The conflicts seriously impede economic progress in region", Asadov underlined. "We support settlement of similar problems in the frame of international legal norms, in respect of territorial integrity of states. We believe that soon the justice will triumph and peace will be established in the Caucasus".
Ambassador Sharashenidze vowed to promote further development of bilateral relations, noting existence of wider potential to deepening bilateral ties. "Development of inter-parliamentary ties is adequate to the interests of both states and nations", he stressed.



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