Azerbaijani top diplomat meets Mexican MPs

On Tuesday as part of the second day of his first visit to Mexico, Foreign Minister of Azerbaijan Elmar Mammadyarov met members of the Mexico-Azerbaijan Inter-parliamentary Friendship Group in the Chamber of Deputies of the Congress and Chief of the Chamber`s committee on international relations Porfirio Muñoz Ledo. The meeting was broadcast live by the television of the Congress. During the meeting, the Mexican parliamentarians underlined the necessity of development of relationship with Azerbaijan in various areas, including cultural, education and economic ones. They also stressed the importance of intensification of the inter-parliamentary friendship groups` activities in boosting bilateral relations.
Mammadyarov briefed the MPs on Azerbaijan`s foreign policy priorities and directions of international cooperation. He also touched upon the development of relations between Azerbaijan and Mexico, as well as cooperation within international organizations.
The Minister also spoke of the ongoing economic reforms in his country and consequences of the Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.
For their part, the Mexican MPs said the conflict must be settled on the basis of Azerbaijan`s territorial integrity and norms and principles of international law.
The same day, the Azerbaijani Minister participated in the "roundtable meeting" with Mexican senators on Azerbaijan`s foreign policy and bilateral relations with Mexico.
The senators said they attach great importance to development of inter-parliamentary ties between Azerbaijan and Mexico.
Mammadyarov touched upon Armenia`s aggression against Azerbaijan, saying the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict must only be settled on the basis of norms and principles of international law.
Mammadyarov also attended a plenary session of the Senate.
The Azerbaijani Minister`s visit to Mexico ended.



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