Recep Tayyip Erdogan: "Settlement of Azerbaijan-Armenian conflict will contribute to solution of Turkey`s problem with Armenia"

"Turkey is cooperating with Russia and this cooperation targets development and progress of the whole region", Turkey`s prime minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan said while speaking at the Diplomatic Academy as part of his visit to Russia.
Turkish premier emphasized that Turkey proposed to establish a high-level strategic Cooperation Council which will include three South Caucasus countries (Azerbaijan, Georgia and Armenia) plus Turkey and Russia. This initiative, according to Erdogan, is very important.
"Azerbaijan-Armenian, Russian-Georgian and Turkish-Armenian relations are problematic in many respects. Today Turkey along with Russia is actively involved in finding a peaceful solution to the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict, since the settlement of Azerbaijan-Armenian conflict will contribute to the solution of Turkey`s problem with Armenia", said Turkish premier.



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