OSCE to promote settlement of frozen conflicts

Being a democratic and secular state, Azerbaijan gives great importance to the cooperation with the OSCE and its separate structures. We believe that current visit of the OSCE Chairman-in-office will make necessary contribution to development of relations between Azerbaijan and this organization, Speaker of Azerbaijan Parliament Ogtay Asadov said at the meeting with the OSCE Acting Chairman, Lithuanian Foreign Minister Audronius Azubalis.
Asadov said official Baku pays great importance to deepening of ties with this structure, one of the key goals of which is settlement of existing conflicts. Highlighting the latest status of the Nagorno Karabakh negotiations, Asadov said in this question it is necessary to raise effectiveness of the OSCE and other international organizations. Azerbaijan stands for peaceful settlement of the problem, and in the framework of international law and principles, he stressed. The international organizations like UN, the Council of Europe, OIC have adopted significant resolutions on the conflict. Despite this, there is no move ahead. Neither the 17-year long activity of the OSCE brought any result. The reason is non-constructive position of Armenia as it ignores fair resolutions of the authoritative international organizations.
Speaker Asadov spoke of the inter-parliamentary ties between Azerbaijani and Lithuanian legislative bodies, noting importance of cooperation.
OSCE Chairman-in-office, Lithuanian Foreign Minister Audronius Azubalis expressed gratitude for warm reception, underlining the main goal of his visit is to hold discussions on settlement of the conflict.
Parties also exchanged views on prospects of relations between the OSCE and Azerbaijan, cooperation in the frame of the Twining Project and other questions.







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