OSCE Chairman-in-office meets Nagorno Karabakh`s Azerbaijani community members

The OSCE Chairman-in-office, Lithuanian Foreign Minister Audronius Azubalis met with the members of the Board of "Azerbaijani community of Nagorno Karabakh region of Azerbaijan Republic" Public Union.
Head of the community, head of the Shusha executive power Bayram Safarov gave detailed information on the conflict, noting the community members ready to return to their homelands and live in Nagorno Karabakh along with the Armenians and their successors who lived there till 1992 and wish to live up the laws of Azerbaijan. The community head reminded murder of a 9-year old Azerbaijani child at the front line.
Other speakers at the meeting dwelled on non-constructive position of Armenia, ineffective visits of the OSCE co-chairs to region, condemned attempts of the international structures to equalize the aggressor and victim. They also informed on violation of the rights of one million of Azerbaijanis, expressing disagreement with absence of sanctions against the aggressive Armenia. Azerbaijan keeps the right to carry out anti-terror operations in its territories based by the terrorists, they stated.
The OSCE Chairman-in-office thanked for detailed information, stating that he would suggest withdrawing the snipers from the front-lines. "I have some other proposals, however. They can reduce tension on front line if not to completely solve the problem", Mr. Audronius Azubalis underlined.









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