Azeri PM meets Albanian Vice-Premier, Foreign Minister

Azerbaijan`s Prime Minister Artur Rasizade met with Albania`s Deputy Prime Minister, Foreign Minister Edmond Haxhinasto on Thursday.
The Azeri PM expressed confidence that Mr. Haxhinasto`s visit to Baku would contribute to developing bilateral relations.
Rasizade said the countries enjoy enormous potential to expand cooperation even more.
The Prime Minister also informed the Albanian FM about the Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.
The Albanian FM expressed gratitude for the hospitality.
Haxhinasto praised construction boom in Baku, adding it was a vivid evidence of Azerbaijan`s development.
He also underlined "Azerbaijan and Albania are friendly countries".
Mr. Haxhinasto conveyed Albanian PM`s greetings to Artur Rasizade.
He said the aim of his visit was to discuss prospects for development of relations between Azerbaijan and Albania and identify priority areas of cooperation.
The Albanian Deputy PM underlined "his country is interested in development of cooperation with Azerbaijan in all fields".
The FM stressed Albania had supported Azerbaijan`s fair position on the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.
During the meeting, they discussed a number of other issues of mutual interest.



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