Business trip to Nagorno-Karabakh was unofficial, Slovakian embassy says

The embassy of Azerbaijan to Russia has received a letter of refutation from the Slovakian embassy over a trip of Slovakian, Czech and Austrian businessmen to the occupied lands of Azerbaijan organized earlier in February by Slovakian citizen Ashot Grigorian.
According to the Azerbaijan`s Foreign Ministry`s press service, the letter claims the trip was a personal initiative of Grigorian. The Slovakian embassy strongly denied his claims at the press conference in Yerevan that the visit was official and the country`s Eximbank would fund projects in Nagorno-Karabakh.
The letter says Slovakia`s stance on the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict remains unchanged and underlined the need for resolution of the dispute on the basis of territorial integrity of Azerbaijan and in line with international legal norms and principles and UN resolutions.







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